
The Luxury Brand Louis Vuitton is a Pioneer in Business Advertising

"Louis Vuitton" products to attract the Chicago, Prada Handbags Tokyo and other parts of the consumers, its products are luxury of a large red imitation kid it tight jacket,wholesale Juicy Handbags skirt and narrow bodied double camel mink scarves.

In addition, long-term management of luxury brands have launched a new ad, this is Louis Vuitton is recognized as early as 1870 to the marketing law, until today, all the luxury brands around the world are afraid to defy this iron law, from the Mediterranean coast to the Atlantic coast, from Cannes to Hollywood actress winner, from Transformers to Finding Nemo "wiped out."

In fact, the luxury brand Louis Vuitton is a pioneer in business advertising, the press was in full swing in Paris, the press try to lure business to advertise, but the business people that is not worth spending so much money on advertising. Interestingly, because at that time a newspaper are writers, advertising in newspapers are basically men of letters such as Victor Hugo, writer his own pocket to advertise in the newspaper are very natural.

Years later, it was discovered advertising business charm.Wholesale Gucci Handbags Louis Vuitton is the foresight who, in 1880, Louis Vuitton in the 50 newspapers continue Dolce & Gabbana Handbags to advertise, has become the darling of the news media, newspapers and magazines, in turn pushing the "LV" brand, Louis Vuitton is not known The news was less than that of any person. Luxury shop windows, in the contemporary luxury brand is still a major marketing tool.

But few know that this is Louis Vuittons initiative in 1875, Louis Vuitton store window gorgeous set, which filled the trunk, the whole of Paris have been attracted, in his shop window, you can touch to the royal Louis Vuitton Wallets family, aristocrats, politicians, the rich upper class people, etc., to enjoy what they are stylish.

Luxury brands main rival, met counterparts from Britain, not because the British do better than him, but many of the French aristocracy that British goods more Western style, wholesale Replica Juicy Handbags which inspired Louis Vuitton to go to London and the ambition to contest the British face to face.

