
Do You Know The Most Effective Advertising Requirements

More and more people today are leaving paper advertising for the internet.Both have their pro’s and con’s when using them to advertiseyour organization. But you need to understandthat having a marketing tactic is just the foundation!There are key things you need to gain from your marketing efforts to actuallycreate the most effective advertising system possible.These are the requirements you need to have to establisheffective advertisements…I. Tracking progress is the first action to effectiveadvertisements and is more crucial than most people imagine1. You need to know how many times people actually look at, read or watch the marketed material (your advertisement).2. How many of those persons actually inquired about your product or service?3. How many of those individuals turned in to actual buyers?4. Which advertisement produced one of these events by potential customers?II. Update the ad content / verbiage (split test)- Based off of your ad tracking you will know how effective each ad that you have placed is.To determine if you will make changes or re-create the entire advertisement. There is no perfectway to state anything and the age, gender and location of your potentialbuyers will effect the way that your ad is perceived and evaluated.This is why you do what’s called a “split test”which is done by duplicating an existing ad and changing one detail.This detail can be as clear-cut as punctuation, capital vs. lower case,removing or adding a word or a different headline.You will be amazed at how one simple change from a period toan exclamation point can change the effectiveness of your ad.The overall idea is to keep split testing and changing your ad’s to keep improvingIII. Target Your Audience (age groups, gender, location, etc)- The most critical thing you need to do is target your ideal client so you aren't trying to sell steak to a vegetarian.There is a specific demographic that uses your product and or service and you need to figure out who that is.Advertising to anyone outside of your ideal demographic of people will be throwing money out the window.As an example, if you want to preciselyadvertise to a local audience you have to make sure that your advertisementsaren’t seen on a countrywide range. Targeting by standingout to certain peopleand targeting can be staying hidden from certain people isextremely important in order to stay cost sensitive.IV. Be Seen & Stand out- No matter what you do, you have to make sure you are putting yourself in aplace that will allow Nail Pen you to be seen.Not just once and a while but often because advertising only works when people can actually see it.Meaning you have to not only use the most effective advertising methods to get your ad’sout, but Wholesale China you have to “Stand Out”.If you are using banner ads you would want to have eye catching colors or an ad that has flashing/moving elements.Or if you are using a text ad you’d want to make sure to show that you have the bestprices, quickest service, great customer feedback or how your service solves a specific problem. If you don’t tell people why they should click on your ad whywould they?Why do you think so many people purchase the latest “Cosmopolitan” or“Men’s Health” magazine? Their headlines always get your attentionV. Be Cost sensitive- This may be apparent but many people forgetthat you need to watch and update your advertisementsin all of your marketing efforts. If you aren't paying attention to thisyou might be throwing money into ad’s that aren’t effective.The idea is to fine-tune your advertisement until you are making more thanyou are paying.Here’s an example…You have a cold and you just bought and used two kinds of cold medicines.Now tell me, which one actually worked? You won't be able to!How can you know which of the 2 medicines you had taken actuallydid what you needed to feel better. So now next time you get a cold you willmost likely buy both of the medicines again. What this has accomplished is nowinstead of purchasing the 1 medicine that worked for you; you are purchasing both andjust throwing money away.VI. Have Automation- Having automated advertising will make sure that every opportunity created fromyour marketing efforts is being worked. Doesn't matter if you automate by email or phone, its your choice. And I know what you’re thinking “you can’t hire someonearound the clock to answer the phones for you”.But you actually can and I’ll go over that another time.Your time is crucial and valuable so we want to be cost effective and applymarketing that can be updated rapidly and does the work while you sleep.To recap you must be able to:- Track effectiveness of the ad- Revise the ad’s content / verbiage (split test)- Target Your listeners (age groups, gender, location, etc)- Be Noticed!- Be Cost sensitive- Time sensitive (your time, and how long till the advertisement is shown)- Automated

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